Cognitive Performance Program

Optimizing brain function is not just about preventing age-related cognitive decline, demential and Alzheimer's disease, it's also about addressing all of the physiological and biochemical factors that support your best brain function now.

Just as with many degenerative diseases, the pathology behind cognitive decline (neurodegeneration), including Alzheimer’s, takes many years — often decades — to develop, providing for an extended prodromal period in which we can effectively intervene.

Optimize & Protect

Whether you're looking to optimize brain performance and focus on prevention, or address signs of cognitive decline, the 12-month BioLounge Cognitive Performance Program provides a comprehensive assessment and fully personalized protocol to restore and optimize brain function.   Our science-based approach is based on a deep understanding that the brain does not function in isolation, it is affected by:

  • Hormone balance
  • Inflammation
  • Injury
  • Toxins
  • Nutrient status
  • Stress response
  • Infections
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Metabolic regulation
  • Sleep quality and duration
  • Activity level
  • Social factors

It is essential to assess and address these areas of wellbeing to provide the healthiest environment for optimal brain function and to prevent decline.

Signs of Decline

Signs that your brain is either not getting critical elements to function or is overburdened by inflammatory factors, like infection or toxins, include:

  • Poor focus or attention span
  • Difficulty learning
  • Brain “fog”
  • Low motivation
  • Irritability
  • Memory loss & forgetfulness
  • Word finding difficulty

Brain function can often be restored and optimized by identifying the individualized factors negatively affecting your brain and establishing an evidence-based plan for restoration. The BioLounge team has expertise in all areas influencing optimal brain health and will build a comprehensive and individually tailored plan aimed at restoring your optimal brain function.

What is included in the 12-month program?

  • Advanced medical laboratory panel 
  • TruDiagnostics Biological age assessment with retest at 1 year
  • Micronutrient levels
  • Food sensitivities IgA, IgG, IgE laboratory testing
  • Infection antibody panel
  • p-tau 217 test for Alzheimer's disease
  • Gut health & microbiome testing
  • Mycotoxins urine test 
  • Heavy metals urine and blood testing 
  • Bone density scan
  • Carotid intimate media test & retest at 1 year if necessary
  • Fibroscan liver test
  • InBody body composition and physical exam at each appointment
  • Comprehensive medical, nutrition and lifestyle plan provided by your provider team.
  • A total of four follow-up medical visits with your provider to track progress and assess laboratory changes
  • A total of six clinical nutrition visits with your nutritionist to support your personalized nutrition, supplement and lifestyle plan

Total cost: $8900

Book an exploratory call with our co-owner, Megan Barnett, here